Objetivo Sierra Nevada. A new photo contest organized by the University of Granada and the Diputación Provincial de Granada.

The University of Granada and the Diputación Provincial de Granada invite you to participate in the first edition of the Photo Contest Objetivo Sierra Nevada. It is an initiative framed in the Smart EcoMountains project, which the University of Granada is developing in collaboration with the European infrastructure LifeWatch-ERIC and the Diputación de Granada, co-financed by European funds FEDER Pope 2014-2020. The contest is specially designed to bring citizens closer to the natural values of the Sierra Nevada.

The aim of this contest, sponsored by Caja Rural de Granada, is to promote respect for nature, and to publicize the beauty and uniqueness of life and landscapes of the Sierra Nevada. We are looking for images that evoke the essence of unique mountains where thousands of animals and plants have their only living space on the planet. The extraordinary biodiversity of this territory is a consequence of its location which, as a hinge between two biogeographic worlds, confers a great heterogeneity from typical Mediterranean ecosystems to glacial landscapes in the high peaks.

Man has always felt a great fascination for the mountains, and those of the Sierra Nevada are not only home to the greatest biodiversity in Europe, but are also a source of life, resources and inspiration for the inhabitants of their surroundings. Sierra Nevada has been an inhabited mountain for millennia, with a long history of man-nature relationships. However, and in spite of its multiple protection figures, the Sierra Nevada massif is not exempt from threats and the challenges imposed by anthropic and climatic alterations.

Objetivo Sierra Nevada aims to showcase the landscapes and natural values of a unique land, and thus contribute to reconcile the delicate balance between conservation and traditional and sustainable uses of its territory.


El concurso está abierto a fotógrafos profesionales y aficionados de todo el mundo y su participación es gratuita.

Deadline for submission:

from March 30, 2023 until 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2023.


To participate, the authors must send their photographs in electronic format and in accordance with the technical specifications detailed in the contest rules through the contest's official website:




Authors may submit two photographs for each of the following categories with the exception of the "historical photography" category where there is no limit to the number of contributions:

  • Landscape
  • Lagoons
  • River courses
  • Fauna
  • Flora
  • Traditional uses
  • Mountain sport activities
  • Historical photography

Contest rules:



A total of €2,300 in prizes will be awarded.

  • First prize: 1.000 € and diploma
  • Second prize: 300 € and diploma
  • Prize per category: 100 € per category and diploma
  • Prize "for the highest number of contributions" in the Historical Photography Category: 200 € and diploma.
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Smart Ecomountains
